NCHEP 14 is almost here!

Check out the agenda and conference details.

NCHEP 14 is almost here!

We Believe

All people, regardless of whether they are currently or formerly incarcerated, should have access to high-quality and free higher education.

About Our Work

Our Work

Higher education can and must be a tool to end systems of power and oppression.

How We Work

News & Events

“There are enormous challenges facing the field of higher education in prison—lack of oversight and accountability within the prison setting, the complex needs of students, and the material scarcity that pervades the field. These are all microcosms of the most broken and vulnerable edges of society as a whole. Expanding access to excellent educational programs provides an extraordinary opportunity to overcome inequity at a massive scale and to set an example—both for our own professional communities and for society as a whole.”
—Equity and Excellence in Practice: A Guide for Higher Education in Prison

The National Higher Education in Prison Landscape

A Guide For Higher Education In Prison

Through the lens of equity, the Alliance seeks to provide information and resources essential to the field of higher education in prison so programs can deliver quality education to all currently and formerly incarcerated students.

Download the Report (in English and Spanish)
Equity and Excellence in Practice: A Guide for Higher Education in Prison Report Cover

We Want to Hear from You!

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Do you have a question about higher education in prison programs? Want to get involved with the Alliance? Have an idea to share? Please get in touch.

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Someone from the Alliance will get back to you within two business days. In the meantime, please join the conversation on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn at @AllianceforHEP.
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The Alliance for Higher Education in Prison (Alliance) is a national network providing space for the higher education in prison community to convene and collaborate, share resources and information, enhance programming, and raise awareness of the many inequities codified by the “justice” system.

How We Work