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The Alliance Is Now an Independent 501(c)(3)!

July 3, 2024

We are thrilled to share that the Alliance for Higher Education in Prisonhas reached a significant milestone. As of May 1st, 2024, we have become our own independent 501(c)(3) organization. This formalization marks a new chapter for the Alliance, one filled with fresh strategies, vision, and opportunities for growth.

The field of higher education in prison is experiencing a pivotal moment. With the expansion of Pell Grant access, the field is rapidly evolving and growing. The Alliance recognizes the importance of establishing a solid foundation during this time, and our leadership is prepared to guide the field forward.

As part of this transition, we are bringing finances in-house and forming a governing board of directors. Additionally, we are embarking on a strategic planning process this year to establish new priorities and a vision for the coming years. This is an opportunity for the Alliance to focus on sustainability and expand our staff to better serve the field.

We embrace the responsibility we have as a nationwide organization and are committed to providing ongoing opportunities for collaboration and discussion. Most recently, we held a successful statewide convening in Texas on June 7th. This fall, we are launching our inaugural Incarcerated Scholars Conference, which will be held virtually on October 29th and 30th. We are also eagerly anticipating the 14th National Conference for Higher Education in Prison (NCHEP) in April 2025.

As we celebrate this milestone and look toward the future, we hope you will be inspired to give a gift of financial support to the Alliance.

Thank you for being a part of our growth and for your continued commitment to our mission.