For the second year in a row, W.W. Norton & Co. is committing to the donation of an unprecedented number of books directly to higher education in prison programs nationwide through the Prison Education Book Connection. This partnership resulted in 4,750 textbook donations to 31 HEP programs in 22 states in total!
For the second year in a row, W.W. Norton & Co. is committing to the donation of an unprecedented number of books directly to higher education in prison programs nationwide through the Prison Education Book Connection. This partnership resulted in 4,750 textbook donations to 31 HEP programs in 22 states in total!
To bridge the divide between the acquisition of knowledge and its practical application, the Alliance is launching the Education in Action (EiA) initiative.
To bridge the divide between the acquisition of knowledge and its practical application, the Alliance is launching the Education in Action (EiA) initiative.
“Beyond Pell: Addressing Persistent Funding Challenges in Higher Education in Prison Toward Racial and Economic Justice” is the latest report from the Higher Education in Prison Landscape Project Team. The report outlines the potential impacts of Pell restoration on the field of higher education in prison and the analysis focuses on persistent funding challenges that the Pell grant alone cannot address.
“Beyond Pell: Addressing Persistent Funding Challenges in Higher Education in Prison Toward Racial and Economic Justice” is the latest report from the Higher Education in Prison Landscape Project Team. The report outlines the potential impacts of Pell restoration on the field of higher education in prison and the analysis focuses on persistent funding challenges that the Pell grant alone cannot address. features a Community Events Calendar that contains current events happening in the higher education in prison community. Look for events from the Alliance for Higher Education and events hosted by the higher education in prison community. features a Community Events Calendar that contains current events happening in the higher education in prison community. Look for events from the Alliance for Higher Education and events hosted by the higher education in prison community.