Call for Participants: Test-Optional Admissions Policies and Justice-Impacted Students

August 28, 2023
Meg Galindo

Are you a justice-impacted student or college administrator who has experience with test-optional policies? Your insight will support the creation of future admissions policies.

Alliance Education and Information Director, Dr. Shawnice Johnson, is leading a community-based research project, “Test-Optional Admissions Policies and Justice Impacted Students." This study, conducted in collaboration with the Second Chance Education Alliance, Prison-to-Professionals, and the Formerly Incarcerated College Graduates Network (FICGN), investigates how higher education policy can shape the experiences of justice-impacted, BIPOC students. Your participation can help shape a more inclusive and equitable future of admissions policies at institutions of higher education in the United States.

Have questions? Email the Researchers.

Opportunities for Students

Students who are 18 years of age or older, identify as a person of color, and have previous history of criminal legal system involvement are invited to complete a survey about your experiences and earn a $10 electronic gift card. Students may also apply to join a focus group and earn a $50 electronic gift card. Researchers want to learn about your perceptions and impacts of test-optional admissions policies.

Participation Requirements: 

  • Current or former student at a college or university.
  • 18 years of age or older.
  • Identify as a person of color.
  • Have previous history of criminal legal system involvement.

How to Participate

Opportunities for College Administrators

College administrators are invited to apply to take part in a one-hour interview and be entered for a raffle to win a $25 electronic gift card. Your experiences, perceptions, and suggestions on the relationship between test-optional policies and justice-impacted, BIPOC students will be incredibly valuable.

Participation Requirements: 

  • Current or former college or university administrator.
  • Experience with test-optional policies as an administrator.
  • 18 years of age or older.

How to Participate

College administrators who complete an interview may be invited to participate in a focus group.