Alliance Education and Information Director, Dr. Shawnice Johnson, is leading a community-based research project, “Test-Optional Admissions Policies and Justice Impacted Students." This study, conducted in collaboration with the Second Chance Education Alliance, Prison-to-Professionals, and the Formerly Incarcerated College Graduates Network (FICGN), investigates how higher education policy can shape the experiences of justice-impacted, BIPOC students. Your participation can help shape a more inclusive and equitable future of admissions policies at institutions of higher education in the United States.
Students who are 18 years of age or older, identify as a person of color, and have previous history of criminal legal system involvement are invited to complete a survey about your experiences and earn a $10 electronic gift card. Students may also apply to join a focus group and earn a $50 electronic gift card. Researchers want to learn about your perceptions and impacts of test-optional admissions policies.
Participation Requirements:
How to Participate
College administrators are invited to apply to take part in a one-hour interview and be entered for a raffle to win a $25 electronic gift card. Your experiences, perceptions, and suggestions on the relationship between test-optional policies and justice-impacted, BIPOC students will be incredibly valuable.
Participation Requirements:
How to Participate
College administrators who complete an interview may be invited to participate in a focus group.