Search the Higher Education in Prison Research Database

June 11, 2021

Ithaka S+R -- with support from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and guidance from leaders in the higher education in prison community-- has launched Higher Education in Prison Research, an interactive digital space centered around the creation of a robust, ethical, and sustainable research infrastructure for the field. Such an infrastructure, by enabling and supporting rigorous and sustained research on HEP, ultimately can lead to many desirable, real-world applications across prison education facilities, including enhanced program quality, better student and faculty experiences, and increased funding for in-prison education initiatives. Higher Education in Prison Research are made up of a group of researchers and analysts from Ithaka S+R, a non-profit service committed to expanding access to higher education and improving student learning outcomes. Ithaka S+R is part of ITHAKA. This digital space, along with its accompanying Working Paper and and Database, are the products of efforts by many individuals affiliated with Ithaka S+R (Learn who is involved here: