The deadline for submissions was June 15, 2023. The NCHEP Planning Team was impressed with the number and quality of submissions! Our community reviewers will be evaluating the proposals over the next few weeks. We anticipate notifying applicants of acceptance/denial by mid-July.
Although the deadline for proposals has passed, we understand that incarcerated individuals may not have been able to confirm their ability to present before the deadline. If you are incarcerated or serving as a proxy for an incarcerated person who would like to present, please email us at
The Alliance for Higher Education in Prison (“the Alliance”) and conference Planning Team are pleased to announce the theme for the 13th annual National Conference on Higher Education in Prison (NCHEP), which will be held in person in Atlanta, GA, November 9-11, 2023. The theme that will frame this year’s NCHEP is:
The Alliance seeks to challenge the field of higher education in prison (HEP) to think about the various ways we can use education to close distances. The distances that exist between the “inside” and the “outside,” the disparities in career opportunities and access to resources, the separations of families and communities, the societal gaps between those living securely and those subjected to insecurity, the distances between theory and practice, between our intentions and our impact, and the distance between higher education in prison and higher education outside of prison. There are endless ways in which education can work to close distances and draw us into closer relationship, and the 13th NCHEP encourages us to explore these ways together as a community. In doing so, we push the field to view higher education in prison not simply as curriculum development and delivery, but as a complex ecosystem with symbiotic components. These components must be nurtured and supported to cultivate collaborative learning environments that benefit all: students, facilitators, administrators, and community members both inside and outside of prison.
The conference structure and submission formats reflect this year’s theme and our commitment to make NCHEP a space of connection, collaboration, and knowledge creation and exchange, as well as of mutual support.
The theme of the 13th National Conference on Higher Education in Prisons is "Close the Distance." As such, the Alliance seeks to make NCHEP as inclusive and interactive as possible for the those who are currently incarcerated. This survey collects information about current incarcerated students' access to Zoom in an effort to plan this year's NCHEP.
Cultivating Collective Power: Closing the Distance through Community Building
Day Three of the 13th NCHEP will feature 90-minute Meetings in the morning and CommunityActivities in the afternoon. We invite the vast higher education in prison community to propose in-person community meetings or activities. These can range from meetings for formerly incarcerated HEP practitioners, to a group trip to explore Atlanta's National Center for Civil and Human Rights, to tutorials from incarcerated students on study methods. Currently incarcerated individuals can join these sessions via Zoom.
The National Conference on Higher Education in Prison assembles a vast network of people involved in the work of extending quality higher education in prison. Are you part of a community that could use a space for convening a meeting this year? Have you imagined a community connection, or set of connections, that you would like to see supported or brought into a shared in-person space? If so, please consider applying for a meeting at this year’s conference.
Format Details
To submit a meeting proposal, please provide a brief written statement (1250 characters or around 250 words max) that outlines the purpose of the meeting, how the meeting will be used to achieve the goals you have in mind, approximately how many people you expect to attend, and how the meeting will be run.
Proposal Requirements
Format options:
- Written overview (1250 characters or around 250 words max);
- One-to-two minute recording (audio or video) describing your selected topic and its relevance to this year’s NCHEP;
- Phone or Zoom call.
In order to schedule a call, email us at with the subject “13th NCHEP call request”;
Meeting proposals can be submitted through this form. The NCHEP Planning Team may be able to provide space on Wednesday for closed meetings before the conference. If you are interested in doing this, please submit a meeting proposal and select the option indicating your interest in a potential Wednesday meeting. Space is limited.
Community Activities
In addition to community meetings, the Alliance and the NCHEP Planning Team welcome proposals for community activities. Do you want to lead a sing-along? Are you experienced in leading restorative practices like meditation or yoga? Do you want to take a group on a neighborhood walk? Perhaps you’re an organizer interested in visiting local sites of social movement? If so, please consider applying to lead a group activity on Day Three of this year’s conference.
Group activities will be scheduled for the afternoon of November 11, 2023. Currently incarcerated people are encouraged to apply and will be able to lead activities via Zoom or pre-recorded video.
Format Details
To submit an activity proposal, please provide a brief written statement (1250 characters or around 250 words max) that outlines the purpose of the activity, how you are qualified to lead the activity, approximately how many people you expect to attend, and some sense of what the activity will involve.
Proposal Requirements
Format options:
- Written overview (1250 characters or around 250 words max);
- One-to-two minute recording (audio or video) describing your selected topic and its relevance to this year’s NCHEP;
- Phone or Zoom call.
In order to schedule a call, email us at with the subject “13th NCHEP call request”;
Activity proposals can be submitted through this form.
Closing the Distance: Practical and Theoretical Knowledge Exchange
Day Two of the 13th NCHEP will focus on Guided Conversations led by facilitators and Open Format Presentations. These 90-minute sessions will feature group discussions that address a series of topics and questions under a predetermined umbrella topic; for example, “Pell Restoration” or “Critical Pedagogy.” The primary goals for these generative spaces are to promote knowledge exchange, as well as resource and skill sharing amongst participants. Currently incarcerated individuals can join these sessions via Zoom.
Guided Conversations
Experienced discussion facilitators are welcome! In an effort to provide space for needed conversations and resource sharing in the higher education in prison community, we solicit Facilitator Proposals to guide conversations centered around predesignated topics inspired by community discussions, recurrent areas of scholarship, and several past NCHEP Exit Reports. We strongly encourage proposals that center one or more of the following topics:
Facilitators are not expected (or desired) to give a formal presentation; instead, you will share your informed opinions and knowledge on the topic selected and guide conversation with the audience through a series of thought-provoking questions. Facilitators can be anyone in the HEP community with experience facilitating large group discussions and knowledge on a particular topic.
Format Details
Facilitators will be allotted 15 minutes to address the topic (not aided by any visuals), followed by 45 minutes to offer your questions to the participants, and 30 minutes to debrief and network.
Proposal Requirements
Format options:
- Written overview (1250 characters or around 250 words max);
- One-to-two minute recording (audio or video) describing your selected topic and its relevance to this year’s NCHEP;
- Phone or Zoom call.
In order to schedule a call, email us at with the subject “13th NCHEP call request”;
3. Two or three questions you would like to ask session participants.
Facilitator proposals can be submitted using this form.
Open-format Presentations
The Alliance and NCHEP Planning Team welcome proposals for Open-format Presentations. We want to make the 13th NCHEP a space where you can share your expertise, knowledge, and talents with the field in a variety of ways. Open-format presentations will highlight programming that is important to the field of HEP, but does not fit easily into the Teach-in, etc. formats. These “presentations” may take a variety of forms, including but not limited to: research presentations, workshops, debates, interviews, and artistic performances.
Format Details
Presenters will be allotted 5 to 60 minutes to deliver your content. Afterwards, there will be approximately 30 minutes to debrief and network.
Proposal Requirements
Format options:
- Written overview (1250 characters or around 250 words max);
- One-to-two minute recording (audio or video) describing your selected topic and its relevance to this year’s NCHEP;
- Phone or Zoom call.
In order to schedule a call, email us at with the subject “13th NCHEP call request”;
Open-format proposals can be submitted using this form.
Students Leading the Way: Closing the Distance through a Virtual Teach-in
Day One of the 13th NCHEP will be a conference within a conference and a Teach-in for the field of higher education in prison. This forum will flip the classroom and center student expertise in a way that NCHEP has never done before. Centering the knowledge and perspectives of incarcerated students on the first day will not only set the tone for the rest of the 13th NCHEP, but provide invaluable insights for practitioners to incorporate into spaces of learning and support.
To our students and graduates inside: This is your time to share your original academic and/or creative work with the field of higher education in prison. If you are a currently incarcerated student or graduate of a HEP program, you are invited to submit a proposal to share content and engage with attendees. Presentations can be any length, from 5-25 minutes, and we will reserve a separate window of time for Q&A and discussion with audience members. For the Teach-in, the topic/question we pose is a broad one:
What does the field of higher education in prison need to know?
Teach-ins are action-oriented, critical educational spaces that encourage participation and dialogue. The Alliance recognizes that teaching takes many forms, such as lectures, demonstrations, workshops, performances, and debates.
Participants of the Teach-in may address topics including, but not limited to:
Proposals may be submitted by a proxy in the event that the student or graduate is unable to do so themselves. However, in order to participate in the Teach-in, students will need to have Zoom access on the day of the event (November 9, 2023). If anyone without Zoom access wants to present, you may send a pre-recorded presentation and discussion questions for the audience if your proposal is accepted.
Proposal Requirements
Format options:
- Written overview (1250 characters or around 250 words max);
- One-to-two minute recording (audio or video) describing your selected topic and its relevance to this year’s NCHEP;
- Phone or Zoom call.
In order to schedule a call, email us at with the subject “13th NCHEP call request”;
3. Two or three questions you would like to ask other participants and the audience.
Currently incarcerated individuals and proxies may submit proposals using this form or via mail to the following address:
Alliance for Higher Education in Prison
Attn: NCHEP Proposals
1801 N. Broadway, Suite 417
Denver, CO 80202
Financial Aid
The theme of the 13th National Conference on Higher Education in Prisons is "Close the Distance." As such, the Alliance seeks to make NCHEP as inclusive and interactive as possible for the those who are currently incarcerated. This survey collects information about current incarcerated students' access to Zoom in an effort to plan this year's NCHEP.
Cultivating Collective Power: Closing the Distance through Community Building
Day Three of the 13th NCHEP will feature 90-minute Meetings in the morning and CommunityActivities in the afternoon. We invite the vast higher education in prison community to propose in-person community meetings or activities. These can range from meetings for formerly incarcerated HEP practitioners, to a group trip to explore Atlanta's National Center for Civil and Human Rights, to tutorials from incarcerated students on study methods. Currently incarcerated individuals can join these sessions via Zoom.
The National Conference on Higher Education in Prison assembles a vast network of people involved in the work of extending quality higher education in prison. Are you part of a community that could use a space for convening a meeting this year? Have you imagined a community connection, or set of connections, that you would like to see supported or brought into a shared in-person space? If so, please consider applying for a meeting at this year’s conference.
Format Details
To submit a meeting proposal, please provide a brief written statement (1250 characters or around 250 words max) that outlines the purpose of the meeting, how the meeting will be used to achieve the goals you have in mind, approximately how many people you expect to attend, and how the meeting will be run.
Proposal Requirements
Format options:
- Written overview (1250 characters or around 250 words max);
- One-to-two minute recording (audio or video) describing your selected topic and its relevance to this year’s NCHEP;
- Phone or Zoom call.
In order to schedule a call, email us at with the subject “13th NCHEP call request”;
Meeting proposals can be submitted through this form. The NCHEP Planning Team may be able to provide space on Wednesday for closed meetings before the conference. If you are interested in doing this, please submit a meeting proposal and select the option indicating your interest in a potential Wednesday meeting. Space is limited.
Community Activities
In addition to community meetings, the Alliance and the NCHEP Planning Team welcome proposals for community activities. Do you want to lead a sing-along? Are you experienced in leading restorative practices like meditation or yoga? Do you want to take a group on a neighborhood walk? Perhaps you’re an organizer interested in visiting local sites of social movement? If so, please consider applying to lead a group activity on Day Three of this year’s conference.
Group activities will be scheduled for the afternoon of November 11, 2023. Currently incarcerated people are encouraged to apply and will be able to lead activities via Zoom or pre-recorded video.
Format Details
To submit an activity proposal, please provide a brief written statement (1250 characters or around 250 words max) that outlines the purpose of the activity, how you are qualified to lead the activity, approximately how many people you expect to attend, and some sense of what the activity will involve.
Proposal Requirements
Format options:
- Written overview (1250 characters or around 250 words max);
- One-to-two minute recording (audio or video) describing your selected topic and its relevance to this year’s NCHEP;
- Phone or Zoom call.
In order to schedule a call, email us at with the subject “13th NCHEP call request”;
Activity proposals can be submitted through this form.
Closing the Distance: Practical and Theoretical Knowledge Exchange
Day Two of the 13th NCHEP will focus on Guided Conversations led by facilitators and Open Format Presentations. These 90-minute sessions will feature group discussions that address a series of topics and questions under a predetermined umbrella topic; for example, “Pell Restoration” or “Critical Pedagogy.” The primary goals for these generative spaces are to promote knowledge exchange, as well as resource and skill sharing amongst participants. Currently incarcerated individuals can join these sessions via Zoom.
Guided Conversations
Experienced discussion facilitators are welcome! In an effort to provide space for needed conversations and resource sharing in the higher education in prison community, we solicit Facilitator Proposals to guide conversations centered around predesignated topics inspired by community discussions, recurrent areas of scholarship, and several past NCHEP Exit Reports. We strongly encourage proposals that center one or more of the following topics:
Facilitators are not expected (or desired) to give a formal presentation; instead, you will share your informed opinions and knowledge on the topic selected and guide conversation with the audience through a series of thought-provoking questions. Facilitators can be anyone in the HEP community with experience facilitating large group discussions and knowledge on a particular topic.
Format Details
Facilitators will be allotted 15 minutes to address the topic (not aided by any visuals), followed by 45 minutes to offer your questions to the participants, and 30 minutes to debrief and network.
Proposal Requirements
Format options:
- Written overview (1250 characters or around 250 words max);
- One-to-two minute recording (audio or video) describing your selected topic and its relevance to this year’s NCHEP;
- Phone or Zoom call.
In order to schedule a call, email us at with the subject “13th NCHEP call request”;
3. Two or three questions you would like to ask session participants.
Facilitator proposals can be submitted using this form.
Open-format Presentations
The Alliance and NCHEP Planning Team welcome proposals for Open-format Presentations. We want to make the 13th NCHEP a space where you can share your expertise, knowledge, and talents with the field in a variety of ways. Open-format presentations will highlight programming that is important to the field of HEP, but does not fit easily into the Teach-in, etc. formats. These “presentations” may take a variety of forms, including but not limited to: research presentations, workshops, debates, interviews, and artistic performances.
Format Details
Presenters will be allotted 5 to 60 minutes to deliver your content. Afterwards, there will be approximately 30 minutes to debrief and network.
Proposal Requirements
Format options:
- Written overview (1250 characters or around 250 words max);
- One-to-two minute recording (audio or video) describing your selected topic and its relevance to this year’s NCHEP;
- Phone or Zoom call.
In order to schedule a call, email us at with the subject “13th NCHEP call request”;
Open-format proposals can be submitted using this form.
Students Leading the Way: Closing the Distance through a Virtual Teach-in
Day One of the 13th NCHEP will be a conference within a conference and a Teach-in for the field of higher education in prison. This forum will flip the classroom and center student expertise in a way that NCHEP has never done before. Centering the knowledge and perspectives of incarcerated students on the first day will not only set the tone for the rest of the 13th NCHEP, but provide invaluable insights for practitioners to incorporate into spaces of learning and support.
To our students and graduates inside: This is your time to share your original academic and/or creative work with the field of higher education in prison. If you are a currently incarcerated student or graduate of a HEP program, you are invited to submit a proposal to share content and engage with attendees. Presentations can be any length, from 5-25 minutes, and we will reserve a separate window of time for Q&A and discussion with audience members. For the Teach-in, the topic/question we pose is a broad one:
What does the field of higher education in prison need to know?
Teach-ins are action-oriented, critical educational spaces that encourage participation and dialogue. The Alliance recognizes that teaching takes many forms, such as lectures, demonstrations, workshops, performances, and debates.
Participants of the Teach-in may address topics including, but not limited to:
Proposals may be submitted by a proxy in the event that the student or graduate is unable to do so themselves. However, in order to participate in the Teach-in, students will need to have Zoom access on the day of the event (November 9, 2023). If anyone without Zoom access wants to present, you may send a pre-recorded presentation and discussion questions for the audience if your proposal is accepted.
Proposal Requirements
Format options:
- Written overview (1250 characters or around 250 words max);
- One-to-two minute recording (audio or video) describing your selected topic and its relevance to this year’s NCHEP;
- Phone or Zoom call.
In order to schedule a call, email us at with the subject “13th NCHEP call request”;
3. Two or three questions you would like to ask other participants and the audience.
Currently incarcerated individuals and proxies may submit proposals using this form or via mail to the following address:
Alliance for Higher Education in Prison
Attn: NCHEP Proposals
1801 N. Broadway, Suite 417
Denver, CO 80202
The theme of the 13th National Conference on Higher Education in Prisons is "Close the Distance." As such, the Alliance seeks to make NCHEP as inclusive and interactive as possible for the those who are currently incarcerated. This survey collects information about current incarcerated students' access to Zoom in an effort to plan this year's NCHEP.
Cultivating Collective Power: Closing the Distance through Community Building
Day Three of the 13th NCHEP will feature 90-minute Meetings in the morning and CommunityActivities in the afternoon. We invite the vast higher education in prison community to propose in-person community meetings or activities. These can range from meetings for formerly incarcerated HEP practitioners, to a group trip to explore Atlanta's National Center for Civil and Human Rights, to tutorials from incarcerated students on study methods. Currently incarcerated individuals can join these sessions via Zoom.
The National Conference on Higher Education in Prison assembles a vast network of people involved in the work of extending quality higher education in prison. Are you part of a community that could use a space for convening a meeting this year? Have you imagined a community connection, or set of connections, that you would like to see supported or brought into a shared in-person space? If so, please consider applying for a meeting at this year’s conference.
Format Details
To submit a meeting proposal, please provide a brief written statement (1250 characters or around 250 words max) that outlines the purpose of the meeting, how the meeting will be used to achieve the goals you have in mind, approximately how many people you expect to attend, and how the meeting will be run.
Proposal Requirements
Format options:
- Written overview (1250 characters or around 250 words max);
- One-to-two minute recording (audio or video) describing your selected topic and its relevance to this year’s NCHEP;
- Phone or Zoom call.
In order to schedule a call, email us at with the subject “13th NCHEP call request”;
Meeting proposals can be submitted through this form. The NCHEP Planning Team may be able to provide space on Wednesday for closed meetings before the conference. If you are interested in doing this, please submit a meeting proposal and select the option indicating your interest in a potential Wednesday meeting. Space is limited.
Community Activities
In addition to community meetings, the Alliance and the NCHEP Planning Team welcome proposals for community activities. Do you want to lead a sing-along? Are you experienced in leading restorative practices like meditation or yoga? Do you want to take a group on a neighborhood walk? Perhaps you’re an organizer interested in visiting local sites of social movement? If so, please consider applying to lead a group activity on Day Three of this year’s conference.
Group activities will be scheduled for the afternoon of November 11, 2023. Currently incarcerated people are encouraged to apply and will be able to lead activities via Zoom or pre-recorded video.
Format Details
To submit an activity proposal, please provide a brief written statement (1250 characters or around 250 words max) that outlines the purpose of the activity, how you are qualified to lead the activity, approximately how many people you expect to attend, and some sense of what the activity will involve.
Proposal Requirements
Format options:
- Written overview (1250 characters or around 250 words max);
- One-to-two minute recording (audio or video) describing your selected topic and its relevance to this year’s NCHEP;
- Phone or Zoom call.
In order to schedule a call, email us at with the subject “13th NCHEP call request”;
Activity proposals can be submitted through this form.
Closing the Distance: Practical and Theoretical Knowledge Exchange
Day Two of the 13th NCHEP will focus on Guided Conversations led by facilitators and Open Format Presentations. These 90-minute sessions will feature group discussions that address a series of topics and questions under a predetermined umbrella topic; for example, “Pell Restoration” or “Critical Pedagogy.” The primary goals for these generative spaces are to promote knowledge exchange, as well as resource and skill sharing amongst participants. Currently incarcerated individuals can join these sessions via Zoom.
Guided Conversations
Experienced discussion facilitators are welcome! In an effort to provide space for needed conversations and resource sharing in the higher education in prison community, we solicit Facilitator Proposals to guide conversations centered around predesignated topics inspired by community discussions, recurrent areas of scholarship, and several past NCHEP Exit Reports. We strongly encourage proposals that center one or more of the following topics:
Facilitators are not expected (or desired) to give a formal presentation; instead, you will share your informed opinions and knowledge on the topic selected and guide conversation with the audience through a series of thought-provoking questions. Facilitators can be anyone in the HEP community with experience facilitating large group discussions and knowledge on a particular topic.
Format Details
Facilitators will be allotted 15 minutes to address the topic (not aided by any visuals), followed by 45 minutes to offer your questions to the participants, and 30 minutes to debrief and network.
Proposal Requirements
Format options:
- Written overview (1250 characters or around 250 words max);
- One-to-two minute recording (audio or video) describing your selected topic and its relevance to this year’s NCHEP;
- Phone or Zoom call.
In order to schedule a call, email us at with the subject “13th NCHEP call request”;
3. Two or three questions you would like to ask session participants.
Facilitator proposals can be submitted using this form.
Open-format Presentations
The Alliance and NCHEP Planning Team welcome proposals for Open-format Presentations. We want to make the 13th NCHEP a space where you can share your expertise, knowledge, and talents with the field in a variety of ways. Open-format presentations will highlight programming that is important to the field of HEP, but does not fit easily into the Teach-in, etc. formats. These “presentations” may take a variety of forms, including but not limited to: research presentations, workshops, debates, interviews, and artistic performances.
Format Details
Presenters will be allotted 5 to 60 minutes to deliver your content. Afterwards, there will be approximately 30 minutes to debrief and network.
Proposal Requirements
Format options:
- Written overview (1250 characters or around 250 words max);
- One-to-two minute recording (audio or video) describing your selected topic and its relevance to this year’s NCHEP;
- Phone or Zoom call.
In order to schedule a call, email us at with the subject “13th NCHEP call request”;
Open-format proposals can be submitted using this form.
Students Leading the Way: Closing the Distance through a Virtual Teach-in
Day One of the 13th NCHEP will be a conference within a conference and a Teach-in for the field of higher education in prison. This forum will flip the classroom and center student expertise in a way that NCHEP has never done before. Centering the knowledge and perspectives of incarcerated students on the first day will not only set the tone for the rest of the 13th NCHEP, but provide invaluable insights for practitioners to incorporate into spaces of learning and support.
To our students and graduates inside: This is your time to share your original academic and/or creative work with the field of higher education in prison. If you are a currently incarcerated student or graduate of a HEP program, you are invited to submit a proposal to share content and engage with attendees. Presentations can be any length, from 5-25 minutes, and we will reserve a separate window of time for Q&A and discussion with audience members. For the Teach-in, the topic/question we pose is a broad one:
What does the field of higher education in prison need to know?
Teach-ins are action-oriented, critical educational spaces that encourage participation and dialogue. The Alliance recognizes that teaching takes many forms, such as lectures, demonstrations, workshops, performances, and debates.
Participants of the Teach-in may address topics including, but not limited to:
Proposals may be submitted by a proxy in the event that the student or graduate is unable to do so themselves. However, in order to participate in the Teach-in, students will need to have Zoom access on the day of the event (November 9, 2023). If anyone without Zoom access wants to present, you may send a pre-recorded presentation and discussion questions for the audience if your proposal is accepted.
Proposal Requirements
Format options:
- Written overview (1250 characters or around 250 words max);
- One-to-two minute recording (audio or video) describing your selected topic and its relevance to this year’s NCHEP;
- Phone or Zoom call.
In order to schedule a call, email us at with the subject “13th NCHEP call request”;
3. Two or three questions you would like to ask other participants and the audience.
Currently incarcerated individuals and proxies may submit proposals using this form or via mail to the following address:
Alliance for Higher Education in Prison
Attn: NCHEP Proposals
1801 N. Broadway, Suite 417
Denver, CO 80202