2020 National Conference on Higher Education in Prison

a colorful line drawing depicts a group of professionals sitting together at a conference

2020 National Conference on Higher Education in Prison

The 2020 NCHEP previously scheduled for November 2020 in Denver, Colorado will now be held virtually from March 1-5, 2021.

visit the NChep archiveview the Save The Date here
A colorful drawing depicts a person standing at a podium with a microphone with higher education in prison concepts swirling around.

The 2020 NCHEP previously scheduled for November 2020 in Denver, Colorado will now be held virtually from March 1-5, 2021.

The Alliance is committed to providing a space where people can discuss relevant issues, share resources, and support one another during this difficult time. Yet, given the health risks posed by the coronavirus pandemic and the uncertainty around the safety of traveling and gathering in large groups, we concluded that we have no choice but to postpone the event until a date when it is safe to gather in large groups. As time passed and the pandemic has not subsided, the Alliance team (with input from the community) has decided to host “A Virtual NCHEP” under the theme “Amplifying Access” (the original 2020 theme). This virtual presentation will take place between March 1 - 5, 2021. All submitters to the 2020 NCHEP have been invited to present. 

To stay updated about A Virtual NCHEP, check in with us here or on Facebook @OfficialNCHEP and Twitter @OfficialNCHEP

We will continue to add information to this page as it becomes available.

timeline for the 2020 conference:

  • April, 2020: Conference Theme and Call for Proposals Announced
  • May, 2020: Proposals for Presentations Due
  • June, 2020: Proposals for Presentations Due (submitters who are currently incarcerated)
  • June, 2020: 10th Annual NCHEP is Postponed
  • August, 2020: Notification of Acceptances/Rejections of Proposals
  • March, 2020: A Virtual NCHEP

Overview of 2020 NCHEP: In Person (Cancelled) 

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The conference agenda, which outlines the basic schedule of both days of the conference, is now available.


Be a part of what makes this conference a success! While our volunteer interest form is now closed, you can still learn more about available volunteer opportunities by emailing the conference planning team at nchep@higheredinprison.org.

**Please note: volunteers must already be registered for the event.

What is the format for presentations at this virtual conference?

ISC presentations will be webinars. Most presenters will be presenting live, though some presentations will be pre-recorded. The webinar Q&A feature will be moderated by Alliance staff.


We're offering a limited number of tables for organizations to share about their work, provide resources, and/or offer swag.

Tables will be located in the area just outside the Grand Ballroom at the Sheraton New Orleans, right in the heart of the conference!

Our interest form is now closed, but you can email the planning team at nchep@higheredinprison.org with any questions.

**Please note: To table, organizations must have at least one representative already registered for the event.

Support the Conference

NCHEP is made possible by the generosity and engagement of individuals and organizations. Here’s how you or your organization can help us make this event a success:

  • Volunteer: Share your time and skills by assisting with event logistics in New Orleans. Learn more by clicking on + VOLUNTEER above.
  • Donate: Contributions of any size directly support our mission and help us plan NCHEP, our flagship event. Donate today.
  • Sponsor: Partner with us to highlight your organization’s commitment to access to quality higher education in prison. Learn more.

Is this open to the public? 

Yes, this virtual event is free and open to everyone! Please share this page with your network.

When will registration open?

** Registration is now completely SOLD OUT **

All conference attendees (except presenters who are currently incarcerated) must register.

If you’d like to be notified if additional spots do become available, please join our Notification List using the link below.

Is pre-registration required? 

Yes. Please register using the link above.

How much does registration cost?

Registration for NCHEP 14 will be $375 ($225 for students).

Hotel Information

NCHEP 14 will take place in the heart of New Orleans at the Sheraton New Orleans Hotel on Canal St.

For more information on reserving a hotel room using our discounted room block as well as information about additional hotels within walking distance of the conference venue, please visit the logistics page.

Will NCHEP 14 be a hybrid conference?

NCHEP 14 will be an in-person conference in New Orleans, Louisiana for everyone except those who are currently incarcerated. Virtual attendance via Zoom will only be possible for currently incarcerated participants during selected events.

When should I plan on arriving in and departing from New Orleans?

We advise attendees to arrive in New Orleans on Wednesday, April 9th and depart on Saturday, April 12th.

The conference will begin the morning of Thursday, April 10th and end the evening of Friday, April 11th. In order to get the full conference experience, we recommend that you not travel on conference days.

How can I request accommodations?

NCHEP will make every effort to support accommodation requests and the full participation of all attendees. You will be able to request accommodations during the registration process.

How can I ask more questions?

Please send us an email at nchep@higheredinprison.org.

How many presentations will there be each day?

Each day of the conference, there will be two sets of scholarly presentations happening at the same time. These are talks where different presenters share their research and ideas. Some presentations will be done individually by one person, and some presentations will be done in groups.

There will also be an expressive arts plenary each day, where creative works such as poems and visual artworks will be presented. Creative works will not be presented by the artist at the conference, but will be displayed/presented/read by conference staff.

What are the presentation tracks?

Each presentation is part of a specific topic or track, which presenters selected when submitting their proposals. These tracks give attendees some more insight into the content of the presentation.

  • Beyond the Classroom: How can higher education in prison impact people, communities, and the world at large?
  • Classroom Culture: How can we build supportive learning environments within the carceral space?
  • Lessons Learned: In order to improve quality practices, what are some of the most valuable lessons you would like to share with prison education programs, practitioners, prospective students, and corrections?
  • Inside Leadership: How can student advisory councils, student government, etc. enrich higher education in prison?